Is hypnosis all about mind control?
If you’re referring to YOU controlling your own mind, then YES! At all times the patient in hypnosis has complete awareness and control over everything happening within hypnosis.
What is hypnosis then?
Hypnosis can best be described as a form of communication between a caregiver (the hypnotherapist) and the patient (you). While you are in a very focused, but relaxed awake state your mind is better able to hear suggestions from the caregiver. Whether the patient adopts these suggestions is still entirely up to the patient. But being in hypnosis allows patients to tap into resources and strengths they might have never known they possessed.
Does hypnosis involve an old guy dangling a watch?
Well, Dr. Kass turned 50 in July 2017, so you decide if that’s old (and feel free to tell him your decision). As for the watch, Dr. Kass hasn’t worn a watch in years!
How long does it take to get better?
While every individual is different, Dr. Kass has found that 3 sessions spread over 3 weeks accomplishes most goals set out between the patient and Dr. Kass. Some people need or want more time; others less.
What happens after the sessions are over? Can a person come back for more?
You can always come back for more sessions or periodic refreshers; but after the majority of the sessions are over, these skills of self-hypnosis are yours to keep forever and will continue to help you assuming you keep up with utilizing your new valuable skills.
Can a person meet Dr. Kass in either office?
No. Hypnosis is reserved for the Mount Kisco office where Dr. Kass has a quiet, comfortable room specifically designated for hypnosis.